Saturday, November 10, 2007

I was born in Bilbao and I have lived there all my life, so it is my actual hometown. Bilbao is located in the north of Spain, is one of largest cities in the Basque Country and also the province of Bizcaya. The city is located on the river Nervion and was founded as a village by Don Diego Lopez de Haro.

This photograph was taken in the centre of the city, where most shops and important buildings are. In my opinion that is the most populous part of the city where everyone goes for a walk.

Another place where you can also find a lot of people is in the "Casco Viejo". There is where most young people meet on saturdays for having a good time and there isn´t a great atmosphere at all.

Bilbao is a very busy city, with a lot of cars and polution. There are also some streets in which you can´t even walk, but that only happens in specific days or times.

Any way, I don´t like Bilbao very much. As I said earlier there is a lot of pollution there. Another reason is that in summer we have to do a 1 hour journey to go to the beach and it is not very comfortable.

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